By Dion of Dionysus - July 24, 2024
The Immortal Gods Chapter II - On the Gods and the World "That a God is immutable, without Generation, eternal, incorporeal, and has no Subsistence in Place." “And such are the requisites for an auditor of the gods. But the necessary discourses proceed as follows: the essences of the gods are neither generated; for eternal natures are without generation; and those beings are eternal who possess a first power, and are naturally void ...
By Dion of Dionysus - July 23, 2024
Finding the Divine in MythsChapter III- On the Gods and the World“Concerning Fables, that these are divine, and on what Account they are so.”“On what account then the ancients, neglecting such discourses as these, employed fables, is a question not unworthy our investigation. And this indeed is the first utility arising from fables, that they excite us to inquiry, and do not suffer our cogitative power to remain in indolent ...
By Dion of Dionysus - April 27, 2024
I originally wrote this series of blog posts when I was working off of WordPress and since I have now finally gotten my blog set back up, I decided I would revisit these posts and expand upon them. So I will be slowly revisiting these posts and republishing them. However, before we can begin to discuss the popular work of Sallustius, On the Gods and the World, it is necessary ...