Beginning a Path into Hellenism

By Dion of Dionysus - September 19, 2024
Beginning a Path into Hellenism

Alright, so I'm beginning to merge most of the posts from my old domain here to this domain, as it has become the primary, and corresponds to my YouTube Channel. While doing this, I plan to take the time and go through each post, and hopefully make some improvements. This was my first post and in a way corresponds to one of the first videos I posted to YouTube, which is here:

Now, let's get into it.

First Step

Getting started on a new spiritual journey is probably one of the most difficult things you can do if you're being sincere about it. Beginning in a Pagan tradition coming from a Christian background, can be extremely difficult. But where should you begin your journey? There are mountains of information online, in books, websites, blogs, YouTube content, you name it, it's out there. But how much of the information is worth taking the time to ingest? 

When I began my journey at the age of 14 it was the early years of computers. I remember the mountains of garbage and nonsense that I had to sift through then. I remember how hard it was to get started because so many self-proclaimed "authorities" on the topics of Paganism spouting nonsense. But concerning Hellenism specifically, where should you start, with The Iliad and The Odyssey. 

I know, I know, "Why do I need to read a book about an Ancient battle and another about someone sailing home?" Because it will show you how the Gods were viewed in that period in Ancient Greece. It will show you how they prayed to the Gods, and so much more. These stories are so important to the world of Hellenism, and I don't believe people comprehend that. 

At the time that the Ancient Authors of the PGM (Greek Magical Papyri) were writing their information down, they included phrases from The Iliad and The Odyssey. In our time, it is my opinion, as well as others that they should be viewed as Holy books within Hellenism. Phrases could be taken from them to be used in the same manner modern magicians use Psalms from the Christian bible. I will share ways to do this as time goes on. 

Second Step

Say you read The Iliad and The Odyssey, now what? Read mythology and meditate on it. These stories that have survived to today have hidden messages within and are probably more hidden today than when they were told due to our understanding and how many times they were passed on. Honestly, we tend to overthink things today. Spend time deciphering the meanings of the myths. Most modern Hellenists agree that the myths are not to be taken literally. Just as it is my opinion that the Christian bible was not meant to be taken literally. 

Third Step

So you read The Iliad and The Odyssey and contemplate mythology, what then? Philosophy! Begin reading the works of Plato, Proclus, Plotinus, and Iamblichus. The works of Plato are the easiest to begin with, and with technology, you can listen to someone read it to you on YouTube for free. We also have modern authors publishing works revolving around these Ancient Philosophers, such as Brian Hines in his book "Return to the One - Plotinus's Guide to God Realization." I also highly recommend checking out the YouTube channel

and her book Discovering the Beauty of Wisdom.

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1: Read The Iliad and The Odyssey

2: Contemplate the mythology 

3: Study Philosophy

 These will give you a solid foundation to stand on in your Religious practices. It should also go without saying, that you don't have to do all these things before you can begin practicing Hellenism. Observe the Lunar phases and perform the Lunar Rites. Perform any Seasonal celebrations. But most importantly of all, PRAY DAILY. This can't be stressed enough. Begin attuning yourself to the Gods through prayer, the Lunar Rites, and Seasonal Celebrations. 

I hope you got something from this post, and if you have any comments or suggestions, comment below or contact me directly at You can also join the DISCORD COMMUNITY HERE.
